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San JuanPuerto Rico (PR)Puerto RicoBoard Certified Diplomate
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San Juan, PR

San Juan
Puerto Rico
Board Certified Diplomate
Certified Sexologist
Certification Image 1
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Clinical Sexology
American Academy of Clinical Sexologists (AACS)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Counseling Psychology
Argosy University
Master of Arts
Counseling Psychology
Inter American Unniversity
Master of Arts
Criminal Justice
Inter American University
Bachelor of Arts
University of Miami
Professional Certificate
Clinical Massage Therapist
Antilles College of Health
Board Certified Diplomate
American Board of Sexology (ABS)
Clinical Member
Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA)
LGBTQ psychological Interventions
Asociación de Psicologia de Puerto Rio (APPR)
Forensic Psychologist
Ana G Mendez University
Puerto Rico Psychology Licensing Board
Licensed Mental Health Counselor
Florida Licensing Board
Mental Health Counselor
New York State
Licensed Professional Counselor
Puerto Rico PC Licensing Board
Licensed Massage Therapist
Puerto Rico Message Licensing Board
Descriptive Paraphilic Behaviors in the General Non-Clinical Population in Puerto Rico
The Identity Development and Coming Out Process of Gay Youth in Puerto Rico
Conductas sexuales atipicas en una muestra de hombres gays en Puerto Rico - Chapter 5 in book: Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transgéneros:$
Edward H. Fankhanel, Ph.D., Ed.D., M.A., completed a Doctor in Education in Counseling Psychology at Argosy University, Sarasota, Florida, in 2004. In December 2009, he obtained a Doctorate in Philosophy in Clinical Sexology from the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, Orlando Florida. He completed master’s degrees in criminal justice in 1983, and in counseling psychology in 1986, both at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico. In 1999, he obtained a Certificate of Advance Professional Competence in Forensic Psychology from the Carlos Albizu University, San Juan Campus. He also completed a Sex Offender Treatment Specialist Certification at Ohio University. His BA degree is in Sociology from the University of Miami.

Dr. Fankhanel is a licensed psychologist in Puerto Rico, a licensed mental health counselor and qualified mental health supervisor in the state of Florida, and a licensed mental health counselor in the state of New York and in Puerto Rico. He is also a licensed massage therapist in Puerto Rico.

Dr. Edward H. Fankhanel is a Diplomate of the American Board of Sexology, a Certified Sexologist from the American College of Sexologists, and was Certified Sex Therapist from the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT). He is also a certified clinical mental health counselor by the National Board of Certified Counselors, and a Certified Criminal Justice Addiction Professional Counselor and Certified Advance Alcohol & Other Drugs of Abuse Counselor from the IC&RC. Dr. Fankhanel is a founding member (1982) of the Asociación Puertorriqueña de Educación, Consejería y Terapia Sexual (AsPECTS) and was an Individual Member of the World Association for Sexual Health.

Dr. Fankhanel professional history includes working with the Sexually Transmitted Diseases Division and U.S. Probation and Pretrial Services Office. He is a former Associate Dean/Associate Professor of Psychology and Social Work Programs at the Universidad del Turabo, Puerto Rico. He is currently a lecturer of psychology at Ana G. Mendez University, Gurabo, P.R. He was a Clinical Professor at the American Academy of Clinical Sexologists, and Certified Sexologist by the American College of Sexologists. He also has a limited private practice in forensic psychology and Sex Therapy. Dr. Fankhanel is Past President of the Puerto Rico Psychology Licensing Board and Past President of the Ethics Committee of the Board.

Dr Fankhanel has over 35 years of clinical experience with adolescents and young adults with disruptive behaviors, substance use and abuse, personality disorders as well as sex offenders. He has attended psychology and human sexuality related conferences in Sydney, Prague, France, Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Mexico, Perú, and the United States. He has several professional publications.

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