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James M. Benedick, LCSW, Ed.D.
Argosy University, Sarasota Campus
1345 West University Parkway, Suite 3
Sarasota, FL 34243-2712
[email protected]

Norfolk State University
Academy of Certified Social Workers
Register of Clinical Social Workers
Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Sexology
Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (NASW/ABECSW)
Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Forensic Counseling (ACCFC)
Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist (ACCFC)
Clinically Certified Domestic Violence Counselor (ACCFC)
Adjunct Faculty, Argosy University
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Specialties: Sexual Offenders; Mental Health issues; Marriage & Family; Addictions
Member: Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers

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