The American Board of Sexology Certifications

An Investment in Your Profession:

You can assure clientele of professional competence. If you deal with human sexuality in a clinical setting, you should be certified by The American Board of Sexology.

Through certification by The American Board of Sexology, practitioners establish their competence and achievements in sexology in association with a dynamic organization setting standards for clinical sexologists, sex therapists, counselors and researchers as well as educators. Clientele recognize the ABS certification as assurance that professionals meet established standards in education, experience, and moral standards in the specialized field of Sexology.

The Board and its Certifications

Thru its attention to quality assurance to the public of Certified Sexologists and Diplomates, the American Board of Sexology’s Board has grown its members steadily over the past 35 years. In a recent renewal period, the board experienced the highest percentage of renewals of any similar period in our history. Certified Sexologists and Diplomates have continued to maintain their certifications over renewal periods and you will be with a solid, growing organization.

The American Board of Sexology holds in great esteem those who have gained the highest degrees in subjects dealing with sexology, and experience gained in clinical, head to head interactions with clientele in real life situations. M.D.’s, Ph.D.’s, D.S.W.’s, Psy.D.’s and others currently working in clinical setting dealing with human sexuality are invited to apply for certification by The American Board of Sexology.  Please read the requirements to become a Certified Sexologist or a Diplomate.