Who is the American Board of Sexology?

The American Board of Sexology is a professional verification organization known as the Board comprising of doctoral professors, professional therapists, and research specialists to provide peer reviews of applicants and award certifications in the field of Sexology. Applicants are typically specialized in the field of Sexology with higher education provided by a university, college, private school, training program, online education, apprentice programs, or still working toward a degree or certification.

The American Board of Sexology was started 1986 by the late Dr. William A. Granzig, Ph.D. CSTS, a former American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASEC) president from 1978-1980 and was also the President and Dean of the American Academy of Clinical Sexology (AACS) from 1989-2019.

Where is the PORN?

The American Board of Sexology contains sensitive topics not typically accepted by all societies, governments, and religions around the world.  The objective of the American Board of Sexology, its use of a website and the Directory Listing is to qualify professionals in field of Sexology and uphold ethics within the field.  The American Board of Sexology is not in the business to expose the general public to obscenities or visuals typically not accepted online by the general public. Any content that is considered unacceptable will be removed or posted in a restricted area for paid and verified members only.

If you are looking for pornography, and we do not judge, you have found the wrong place.  :(

Why should I be “Certified”?

Certification brings about clarification to potential clientele and verifies your authority in the profession.  The American Board of Sexology verifies the authenticity of each professional listed in the Directory Listing. It is a peer review process with an expertise by our research specialist to authenticate each member. The public trusts the American Board of Sexology and come to rely on the Directory Listings of Sexologists to provide the best possible care in the field of study.

I am attending a school and ABS certification is to be included?

The American Board of Sexology works closely with many schools and educational institutions that offer the first year of an American Board of Sexology certification within the registration cost or as a fee added during registration. This is a fantastic deal and these schools and programs are highly sought after since it guarantees a certification and a membership with the American Board of Sexology.

The procedure to get certified under the programs offered would be the same as the steps to become certified with the American Board of Sexology.  Once you pay the fees for certification with the ABS, you would send the emailed receipt back to the educational institution or program showing proof of payment to get a reimbursement from the educational intuition or program.  This allows for you to create, update and mange your Directory Listing on your own secured account.  If your school or program offers on-going ABS Certification and Membership, you may be required to submit the annual or monthly renewal fees.

Check with your school or program to see if they offer the American Board of Sexology Certification Program.

How do I update my Directory Listing?

To make changes and updates to your Directory Listing will require you to log in first here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/log-in/  or create and account if you do not already have one here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/register/

If you have an account but do not remember the username or the password, you can always request a reset here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/password-reset-2/

Once you are logged in, you can perform a search on your name or ABS number to find your Directory Listing.  Once found, you can click on the “Grey Gear” in the upper right hand corner of your page and select “Edit Profile” to edit.  Make sure you save your work by clicking the “Grey Check” or the blue “Update Profile” button at the bottom of the page.

Should I use my photo in the Directory Listing?

As we all learned in the most basic psychology classes in human behavior back in college, humans are visual and want to connect with something familiar. Your face gives your clientele comfort when choosing your services and feel even more comfortable seeing your face prior to a first meeting.

So our answer is a resounding, YES.  You will want to submit a 500 pixel by 500 pixel or greater .JPG or .PNG for use in the Directory Listing. Click here to update your online photo to be listed.  Please note that after submission, you will want to notify us that it has been done by using our online form At this time, we have locked all new and updated profile images for a review by one of our team members before releasing them to the Directory.  This keeps accidental and inappropriate images from being displayed.

How do I update my photo?

First, you will want to make sure you are logged in. Next, you will want to submit a 500 pixel by 500 pixel or greater .JPG or .PNG for use in the Directory Listing here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/edit-profile/

Please note that after submission, you will want to notify us that it has been done by using our online form here:  https://americanboardofsexology.org/contact/

At this time, we have locked all new and updated profile images for a review by one of our team members before releasing them to the Directory.  This keeps accidental and inappropriate images from being displayed. If you are having problems uploading a new image, you can always send one as an attachment to the email: certifications@americanboardofsexology.org

I created my account, why am I still in “Pending Certification” status?

Creating your account with a username and password is the first step in becoming a certified sexologist.  The verification process would require our team to perform a background check and confirm your submitted education, licenses, employment, business information, publications and media.

A certification, verification, an updated Directory Listing with the blue check mark, and the ABS post nominals are given when you apply for a certification with the American Board of Sexology by choosing a certification and investing in the membership fee.  Certification and definitions are listed here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/certifications/

I created my account, I want to be “Verified”?

Creating your account with a username and password is the first step in becoming a certified sexologist.  The verification process would require our team to perform a background check and confirm your submitted education, licenses, employment, business information, publications and media.

Verification, a certificate, an updated Directory Listing with the blue check mark, and the ABS post nominals are given when you apply for a certification with the American Board of Sexology by choosing a certification and investing in the membership fee.  Certification and definitions are listed here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/certifications/

Do I need to wait until my program or classes are completed to become a “Certified Sexologist” ?

If you are currently in classes or working toward a diploma or still working in a program, you can still become a Certified Sexologist without waiting until completion.  We would require either you or the educational institution verify that you completed once done as its only condition. You also have the option to become an Apprentice in Sexology if you are not ready to be called upon as a Certified Sexologist.  This option is best for those seeking formal education, such as a Masters or Ph.D., from a University or College.  It allows the applicant to seek internships and/or post-graduation employment.

What if I receive poor service from a Sexologist?

As a client, you have the ability to review each member for quality of service in our directory with both a star rating and a place to document the reasons.  Our team reads each and every review for accuracy and give the opportunity for the listing member to either comment or petition for review.  All petitions for review will be addressed by our team and a decision will be made per situation. We offer a fair and objective review process. We also do not accept “pay-for-play” compensation to have negative reviews removed or only post positive “puff” reviews. Please note that you will need to create an account to write a review and we cannot post “anonymous” reviews as this would disparage a member without the ability to correct the issue.

I need to renew my ABS Certification?

If your Directory Listing is in “Pending Renewal” or “Expired Certification” status and you are looking to renew your ABS Certification, you can first log into your here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/log-in/

Once logged in, you can click on the Account menu item to get to your account information.  Then you can click on the Subscriptions tab item to see your ABS Certifications. Finally, you will want to click on the blue “Resubscribe” button next to the subscriptions you would like to renew.  It will take you to the “Checkout” page where you can make your investment into your profession and renew your certifications.

If you are unable to renew your certification with the above method, you can always go directly to the Certifications page and choose your certification there.  You can also select a second or third certification with the below method.

Go to the Certifications page or use the “Certifications” pulldown menu to select a specific certification.  By choosing a certification and investing in the membership fee. , your membership and certification will be updated to active status within 72 hours.  Please make sure you have an updated photo of yourself to be listed in the Directory Listing.

What type of membership should I sign up for?

Most member sign up for the Professional Membership which gives you all the rights under the Certification and allows for a vote on the board members.  The Apprentice Membership is for students in the field, typically looking for career opportunities or are already in the profession, but still working on a degree.  The Retired Membership is for those individuals who are still active in the profession or who want to mentor others.  A Retired Member typically does not have an office or has paying clients.

I updated my photo, but it has not changed in the Directory Listing?

At this time, we have locked all updates to the profile images for a review by one of our team members before releasing to the Directory.  We do this to prevent inappropriate images and or correct images to properly fit into the page layout. Remember to submit color photos with a front headshot view of yourself.  Please remember to properly frame the image as to not cut off your face or have advertisements that may violate copyrights.

Once you upload your image, please notify us by using the online form here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/contact/

If you are having problems uploading a new image, you can always send one as an attachment to the email: certifications@americanboardofsexology.org

Does my “title” and “post nominals” get printed on my certificate?

The American Board of Sexology’s board agreed to follow the standards set forth by United States Department of Education by only including the applicants given name, legal first name, given middle name, middle initial, religious taken name, family surname, hyphenated dual last name, married name or legally registered name for the certification.  Please note that in certain situations, visible online certifications may display a faux name to keep the certified professional’s anonymity.  Situations may include government employees, special operations members, celebrity personalities,  personal or family safety concerns, religious or societal persecution.

Certifications shall not include titles, honors, licenses, nicknames, or post nominals due to status of the individual being certified. While the American Board of Sexology verifies the status of all applicants upon approval to the best of their ability, they are not responsible for incorrectly awarded degrees, certification updates or license status after being certified.

Why does my listing state “Pending Renewal” or “Expired Certification”?

If your Directory Listing is in “Pending Renewal” or “Expired Certification” status, your credit card may have expired upon renewal or is not allowing for automatic renewals.

You will want to log into your account first here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/log-in/ or create a user account here: https://americanboardofsexology.org/register/ if you have an old expired ABS certification before 2020.

You can then go to the Certifications page or use the “Certifications” pulldown menu to select a specific certification.  By choosing a certification and investing in the membership fee. , your membership and certification will be updated to active status within 72 hours.  Please make sure you have an updated photo of yourself to be listed in the Directory Listing.

Why is a Sexologist in “Pending Certification” status?

A new professional Sexologist or one applying for the first time may be in the “Pending Certification” status while the American Board of Sexology reviews their credentials.  The American Board of Sexology is unable to recommend, verify or professionally or back a professional in “Pending Certification” status.  A professional in “Pending Certification” status does not have an updated professional, education or business background check.  We would be unable to verify professionals status.

It is possible that the member has not completed continuing education required by certain jurisdictions,  has not received the proper licenses, or has failed to meet the requirements to become certified.

Why is a Sexologist in “Pending Renewal” status?

Sexologist’s may be in “Pending Renewal” status for a couple of reasons and this does not necessarily reflect on them negatively as a professional practicing in the field.  The American Board of Sexology is unable to recommend, verify or professionally back a professional in “Pending Renewal” status.  A professional in “Pending Renewal” status does not have an updated professional, education or business background check.  We would be unable to verify professionals status.

The professional sexologist may not have renewed their American Board of Sexology certification and has past the expiration date for renewal. It is possible that the member has not completed continuing education required by certain jurisdictions,  may no longer have a license to practice, has changes to their business plan, failed to meet the requirements to be renewed, or may no longer be in practice. A member in “Pending Renewal” status will change to “Expired Certification” within a month or two and may be required to resubmit for the Boards approval before recertification.

Why is a Sexologist in “Expired”?

Sexologist’s may be in “Expired” status for many reasons and this does not necessarily reflect on them negatively as a professional practicing in the field.  The American Board of Sexology is unable to recommend, verify or professionally back a professional in “Expired” status.  A professional in “Expired” status does not have an updated professional, education or business background check.  We would be unable to verify professionals status.

The professional sexologist may not have renewed their American Board of Sexology certification and has past the expiration date for renewal. It is possible that the member has not completed the continuing education required by certain jurisdictions,  may no longer have a license to practice, has changes within their business plan, failed to meet the requirements to be renewed, possible felony or malpractice judgement, or may no longer be in the profession, operate a business or have a practice.