The American Board of Sexology 2024-2025 Board

Education Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Education Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the educational requirements to become a Sexologist or an educator in Sexology both at the formal educational institution level and private programs.

Faith Based Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Faith Based Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor to the Board of Sexologists and Faith Healers with a religious background. (Please note that Board Member in the Faith Based category will be expanded to include multiple religions to be inclusive)

Organizations and Groups Member

The Board member labeled as the Organizations and Groups Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor for connecting ABS Certified Sexologist and recognized organizations and groups. This person is also involved with connecting organizations and groups to the American Board of Sexology.

Surrogate Partner Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Surrogate Partner with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the field of Surrogate Partner Therapy.  Touch and movement in therapy, ethical practices, modern techniques, and training of professionals working with clients in sex therapy.

Mentoring Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Mentoring Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the Mentoring programs and provides the verification of applicants seeking this certification by way of verified status and experience.  Applicants seeking a Sexologist Mentor Certification must previously have been a Certified Sexologist or Board Certified Diplomate for at least 4 years.

Device Specialist Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Device Specialist with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the field of both medical devices and entertainment sex toys prescribed by Sexologist.  Devices in categories that include medically necessary, personal pleasure, couples use, homosexual needs and any other variation of need or requested.

LGTBQIA2S+ Board Member

The Board member labeled as the LGTBQIA2S+ Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor to the Board of Sexologist working with and is an educator in the LGTBQIA2S+ community. LGTBQIA2S+ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Two-Spirit, and the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.

Public Information Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Public Information Board member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor on all practices of both new and old technology in Marketing, Social Media, Publication, Blogs, Vlogging, Influencing, Story Telling, and any other form of providing information to the public.

Apprentice in Sexology Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Apprentice in Sexology with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the apprenticeship requirements for new students, students currently enrolled in an educational program, college, post graduate program, and those just starting the path in the field of sexology.

Tantra Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Tantra Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the specialized field of Tantra and provides the verification of applicants seeking this certification by way of approved educational institutions.  Applicants seeking a Tantra Certification must attend a reputable educational institution or program.

Somatic Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Somatic Board Member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor in the specialized field of Somatic Healing and provides the verification of applicants seeking this certification by way of approved educational institutions.  Applicants seeking a Somatic Certification must attend a reputable educational institution or program.

Administration Board Member

The Board member named as the Administrator of the American Board of Sexology is also the Chair and signatory member.  This member is involved with the day-to-day operations, management of the contracted services of the applicant verifications, directory listing services, web services, marketing,  and is the primary contact for all questions involving certifying professionals.

Holistic Board Member

The Board member labeled as the Holistic Board member with the American Board of Sexology is the lead advisor on all practices Holistic and Eastern medicine. Typically non-traditional Western practiced medicine.

Regional Board Members

The Board members labeled as Regional Board Members with the American Board of Sexology are the lead advisors in the county or area within a country for sexologists. The Regional Board Members also help define the Sexology culture, educate on religious beliefs, translate local terminologies, explain local customs and traditions in their region or country to the ABS Board.

United States – East Board Members

The United States East Board member is the regional representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

United States – West Board Member

The United States West Board member is the regional representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

Canada – Board Member

The Canadian Board member is the country wide representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

Greece – Board Member

The Greek Board member is the country wide representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

Romania – Board Member

The Romania Board member is the country wide representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

India – Board Member

The India Board member is the country wide representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.

Western Europe – Board Member

The West Europe Board member is the regional representative for the American Board of Sexology that can answer questions on local traditions, change in regional policies, places of practice and education, regional concerns, sexology news, and public communications on behalf of the ABS.