You are free to use the American Board of Sexology LOGO and we hope that you link back to our pages. We suggest with the ABS LOGO that you link to either the root page of or directly to your Directory Listing page  where the xxxxxx is your membership number.

The JPEG or JPG format with the extension of .JPG is typically used for most websites for display. The is the most accepted by all browsers and is quick to load.

American Board of Sexology Logo

ABS Logo in .JPG format

You are free to use the American Board of Sexology LOGO and we hope that you link back to our pages. We suggest with the ABS LOGO that you link to either the root page of or directly to your Directory Listing page  where the xxxxxx is your membership number.

This is the Adobe PNG format with the extension .PNG and is typically used when you are looking for a transparent background. The format is widely accepted in most all of the browsers and typically is a slight bit slower to load. Usually not noticeable on the load time and preferred for  styled websites.

American Board of Sexology Logo

ABS Logo in .PNG format

You are free to use the American Board of Sexology LOGO and we hope that you link back to our pages. We suggest with the ABS LOGO that you link to either the root page of or directly to your Directory Listing page  where the xxxxxx is your membership number.

This is an older format called a GIF or Giff and also been called a Jif with the .GIF extension. It is typically reserved now for mini animations with a low bit depth.  The ABS logo has no animation and we have it as a format for those with really low end websites. Make sure you check with your web designer before use.

American Board of Sexology Logo

ABS Logo in .GIF format