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Ciudad de MexicoTlalpanMexicoCertified Sexologist
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Ciudad de Mexico
Villa Coapa
Certified Sexologist
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Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Instituto de Estudios Superiores en Neurociencias, Psicoanálisis y Salud Mental
Master of Science
Human Sexuality
Akamai University
Master of Bioethics
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Master of Humanities
History of Science
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Bachelor of Medicine
Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez
Asociado Titular
Colegio Mexicano de Posgraduados en Sexologia
Especialista en Sexología Clínica
Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sexología y Educación Sexual (FLASSES)
Especialista en Educación Sexual
Federación Latinoamericana de Sociedades de Sexología y Educación Sexual (FLASSES)
Medico cirujano (Medical Doctor)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Sexólogo (Sexologist)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Especialista en bioética (Specialist in bioethics)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Maestro en bioética (Master in bioethics)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Doctor en bioética (PhD in bioethics)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Doctor en neurociencias (PhD in neurosciences)
Dirección General de Profesiones de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica (Mexico)
Professor Jorge Alberto Álvarez Díaz is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACYT with a PRODEP profile. He is a surgeon, and has a Master of Sciences in Human Sexuality and Doctorate in Neurosciences (certified by the Latin American Federation of Societies of Sexology and Sex Education as a Clinical Sexologist and Sex Educator). Specialist in fundamental bioethics, Specialist in clinical bioethics, Specialist in biomedical and psychosocial research ethics. Master in history of science, Master in bioethics, Ph.D. in socio-health sciences, and medical humanities specialized in bioethics, with Postdoctorate in bioethics.

Distinctions: Manuel Velasco Suárez Award for Excellence in Bioethics 2007, granted by PAHO/WHO. Mark S. Ehrenreich Prize in Healthcare Ethics Research 2014, awarded by the International Association of Bioethics and The Pacific Center for Health Policy and Ethics at the University of Southern California. World Leader in Medical Sciences for the Benefit of Mankind Award 2014, awarded by the World Association for Healthcare Excellence. Full Academician of the Mexican National Academy of Sciences, Arts, Technology and Humanities.

Numerary Member of the Mexican National Academy of Bioethics. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Valladolid. Full Member of the Very Illustrious Academy of Science, Technology, Education and Humanities (Valencia, Spain). Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Cadiz. Corresponding Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine and Surgery of Galicia. He has more than a hundred of specialized publications and dozens of divulgation.

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