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Al-MamurahNabeulTunisiaBoard Certified Diplomate
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Lyna Psychology

rue ibn Khaldoun maamoura nabeul tunis

Board Certified Diplomate
Certified Sexologist
Certified Sexology Educator
Certified Holistic Sexologist
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Bachelor of Information Technology
Math Informatique
Faculté des Sciences de Monastir - FSM
Military Strategy
Bircham International University
Diploma in Art Therapy
Fundamentals of Neuroscience
Cambridge University
The Psychology of Emotions
Cambridge University
Since my childhood, my father noticed that I had a high intelligence compared to my peers or even adults. He has noticed that I memorize quickly, ask philosophical questions, and do things that show intelligence. So he invested that in guiding me to the right path, dividing my time between Quran memorization lessons, kung fu lessons, piano lessons and swimming, and all.

منذ طفولتي ، لاحظ والدي أن لديّ ذكاء عالٍ مقارنة بزملائي أو حتى البالغين. لقد لاحظ أنني أحفظ بسرعة ، وأطرح أسئلة فلسفية ، وأقوم بأشياء
تظهر الذكاء. لذلك استثمر ذلك في إرشادي للطريق الصحيح ، وتقسيم وقتي بين دروس تحفيظ القرآن ، ودروس الكونغ فو ، ودروس البيانو والسباحة ، وكل ذلك.

mundh tufulati , lahiz walidi 'ana ldy dhaka'an eal muqaranatan bizumalayiy 'aw hataa albalighina. laqad lahaz 'anani 'ahfaz bisureat , wa'atrah 'asyilatan falsafiatan , wa'aqum bi'ashya' tuzhir aldhaka'i. lidhalik aistathmar dhalik fi 'iirshadi liltariq alsahih , wataqsim waqati bayn durus tahfiz alquran , wadurus alkungh fu , wadurus albianu walsibahat , wakuli dhalika.

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