The World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) promotes continued professional development and ethical standards. They affirm sexuality as a core component of well-being and life experience.
There is a need around the world for better comprehensive sex education as well as knowledgeable and compassionate support. When sexologists gather, dialogue tends to center on the need to get sex-positive messages into the community because it will make a difference in quality of life for that community. Fewer unwanted pregnancies, less domestic violence, more connectedness and shared pleasure, a healthier sense of self! These may seem like small, individual goals, but we believe the benefits radiate out to create healthier families and communities.
To this end, World Association of Sex Coaches (WASC) members are in alignment with the WAS Declarations of Sexual Rights and Pleasure. They affirm the value of training, certification, and ongoing professional development for their members. Their members are vocal in their communities and professional circles to promote sexual wellbeing.
The American Board of Sexology highly recommends registering with the World Association of Sex Coaches as a valued certification to have in your profession.
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