
Sexual Behaviors and Viewing Pornography


Frequent sexual urges or behaviors can cause distress, but the cause of this distress is debated. Identifying the best model of hypersexual concerns is necessary to develop effective interventions to reduce those concerns. [...]

Sexual Behaviors and Viewing Pornography2024-01-29T18:11:38-05:00

The Scientific Studies of Sexuality


Sexology is the scientific study of the individual & collective sexual being & behavior (procreation, relation and recreation) with a unique w-holistic, universal integralistic (bio-psycho-socio-cultural), inter-transdisciplinary (inter-transactional) theory. Sexology has its own methodology, and unique field of study, aimed at between & beyond the poles praxis theories as outcomes. [...]

The Scientific Studies of Sexuality2024-01-29T18:11:47-05:00
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