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Saint LouisMissouri (MO)United StatesApprentice in Sexology
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Catholic Intimacy, LLC

4455 Ridgewood Ave
Unit 2622

Saint Louis
United States
Missouri (MO)
Apprentice in Sexology
Certification Image 1
Master of Arts
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
Bachelor of Arts
Theology and Philosophy
Holy Apostles College and Seminary
James is a professional Catholic intimacy (relationship & sex) coach and theologian. He holds three degrees in theology from Holy Apostles College and Seminary and has done graduate studies in marriage and family therapy at Capella University. His research interests include Catholic sexual ethics, the female orgasm, trauma, and the sacramentality of the minor orders. He is the translator of Yves Chiron’s Paul VI: The Divided Pope. He also serves in the Army National Guard.

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