Certified Public Information Sexologist

Certified Public Information Sexologist

With new technologies and two way interactive communications available to the average person, education and therapy in Sexology has gone beyond the traditional office practice.  Doctors, holistic healers and other professionals in the field of Sexology are relying more on digital communications with remote patients and many more are using social media to broadcast to a broader audience.

The traditional office setting for patients and those seeking therapy in sexual matters are finding themselves going to the internet to follow “influencers” or view online videos of experts in the profession. Those in the profession who dispense advice, education, post messages to threads, publish digital articles, blog or vlog are having issues verifying their education and authenticity as a expert in the field. With the latest trend of Twitter “un-blue checking” individuals and other social media “deplatforming” or “shadowbanning” experts in the field talking about sex, something needed to be done.

As a professional Sexologist, or Sex Therapist, Sexual Educator, Relationship Advisor, Holistic Healer, Mentor in Sexuality, Publisher of Content, Influencer in the field, the American Board of Sexology has established the Certified Public Information Sexologist certification.  This specialized certification is for those who are qualified, verifies the education, experience level, certifications, licenses, affiliated groups, training, background, authenticity, and moral turpitude of the named professional.

The Certified Public Information Sexologist certification is very much in line with the Certified Sexologist or the Board Certified Diplomate certifications and can be used on its own or paired with any other certifications offered by the American Board of Sexology. This includes any of the holistic, education or device certifications and both the Apprentice and Mentor in Sexology certifications.

We advise those with any of the American Board of Sexology certifications to add them to your social media profiles, especially LinkedIn, with a backlink to your Directory Listing at the American Board of Sexology. This will allow a potential patient/client, viewer, or even other professionals in the field to verify your certification as being active and up to date.

The American Board of Sexology posts your certification with the certification number for reference and adds a “green” identifier badge with your certification name, i.e.. Certified Sexologist, at the top of your listing. Non-certified professionals will have other designations such as “expired” or “pending certification”.

You will need to apply to become a Certified Public Information Sexologist. The application process starts by creating an account with the American Board of Sexology and filling out the appropriate fields as requested.  Next, you will want to log-in and upload your photo to your account. Finally, you will need to choose the Certified Public Information Sexologist and and make your online payment. The application fee is $199 annual or $17.99 monthly. Once accepted, you should receive your credentials within a couple of days and add the ABS postnominals to your name.