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VictoriaBritish ColumbiaCanadaCertified Sexologist
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Alex Campbell Coaching

545 Johnson St, Victoria, BC V8W 1M2

British Columbia
V8W 1M2
Certified Sexologist
Certification Image 1
Institute of Authentic Tantra Education
International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Accomplishment Coaching
Alex Campbell is an Ontological life coach, practitioner of Authentic Tantra and Certified Sexologist, based out of Victoria, BC Canada. With a broad background including being a professional freelance musician for over a decade, participating in plant medicine ceremonies and becoming a leader in his local men's work community, Alex has fused his wide breadth of experience with his deep desire to help others find personal, spiritual and sexual liberation, all while coming from a place of deep integrity. He is a firm believer that when we prioritize our well being and purpose, not only does life start to taste sweeter, but that we get deeper and deeper access to the gifts we offer the world.

Alex’s work in Tantra is based on the Tibetan 5 Element system of the Buddhist Shangpa Kagyu lineage. He received his formal training from the Institute of Authentic Tantra Education, and now works with individuals and couples to harness and empower their own medicine, pleasure and wellbeing, and to bring sexuality and spirituality into union.
A common remark from those who study this profound work is that “people show up for better orgasms, but stay for the life changing transformation”.

The more mainstream ontological aspect of his coaching practice focuses on partnering with clients who are ready to stop reporting about their life, and instead want to write the story themselves. This approach to coaching generates the space for individuals to create their own transformation, working through their internal blocks in partnership, and become the leader of their own life. Inner work = outer change.

The entrepreneurs, business owners and creatives who work with Alex not only live out the experience of creating their own life story, but get to express their gifts and services at a higher level, often while making more money than ever before.

He maintains his Sexologist certification with the American Board of Sexology, is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF) and a graduate of Accomplishment Coaching, often referred to as the most rigorous life coach training program in the world.

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