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New YorkNew York (NY)United StatesPending Renewal
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Gillian (Gigi)
The Gigi Spot, LLC
New York
United States
New York (NY)
Pending Renewal

   Certification Image

Expired American Board of Sexology Certification
Certification Image 1
Master of Public Health
Public Health
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Bachelor of Arts
Women's Studies
Union College (NY)
Certificate in Sexuality, Sexual & Reproductive Health
Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health
Certificied Sexuality Educator
Modern Sex Therapy Institutes
Acting Hysterical: Analyzing the Construction, Diagnosis and Portrayal of Historical and Modern Hysterical Women
Gigi Singer, MPH (she/her/hers) is a trained Sexuality Educator and a Social Media/Sex Ed Content Specialist. She is the owner of The Gigi Spot, LLC, a digital sexuality education platform and brand under which she provides entertaining educational materials and services that are comprehensive, evidence-informed, medically accurate, and non-judgmental. She is also a freelance content creator and writer for a variety of sexual health platforms/brands and has amassed around 4 million views.

She earned her BA in Gender, Sexuality & Women's Studies and Spanish from Union College (NY), spent a year as a Fulbright Scholar, and then continued her education with Modern Sex Therapy Institutes before earning her MPH from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health with a Certificate in Sexuality, Sexual & Reproductive Health. You can find her at her website ( or on Instagram (, TikTok (, Freyja (@TheGigiSpot), Mōn (@TheGigiSpot), and others.

Views: 1887