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Fort LauderdaleFlorida (FL)United StatesCertified Sexologist
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Laura Cruz Fit
Fort Lauderdale
United States
Florida (FL)
Certified Sexologist
Certification Image 1
Master of Science
Clinical Sexology
University of Valencia
Master of Science
Family & Couples Counseling
Universidad Central de Bayamon
General Studies
University of Puerto Rico
Life Coach and Practitioner
Certified Coaches Federation
Gender violence prevention in socio-educational environment
Sociedad Sexológica de Madrid
Master Trainer from EESSM
Josephson Institute of Ethics
I am Laura, a specialist in sexuality, relationships and fitness. Founder of Laura Cruz Fit and from this platform, I help people cultivate the love and pleasure they deserve through my virtual sessions. At a very early age, I loved doing aerobics with my mom, which led me to get certified as a personal and group trainer at 18. Since I enjoyed teaching, I decided to study Pedagogy at the University of Puerto Rico. After practicing my profession, I moved to Texas where I worked as a Coordinator for Talented and Gifted students. My students trusted me and felt comfortable talking about their social and emotional problems. Can you believe I was actually voted “Coolest Teacher” in the yearbook? I wanted to do more for them to help them, but I was limited to the specialty I had chosen. I wished to do more. I returned to Puerto Rico to do a Master's Degree in Couple’s and Family Counseling. In my professional experience I had to work in individuals, couples and group therapy. I could see that my graduate studies hadn’t prepared us to work anything regarding human sexuality, abuse or any related problems. Sexual topics or even conversations, are still a taboo in Puerto Rico. Since I found there weren’t many professionals prepared in this field, I decided to take charge of doing so myself. Then while on vacations in Barcelona, Spain a visit to a sex museum, changed everything. In my desire to continue helping people and to further break the taboos and misconceptions about human sexuality, I decided to pursue a second Master's Degree in Clinical Sexology at the University of Valencia. Other certifications and experiences Coach under the Certified Coaches Federation of Florida Master Trainer of the Character Counts program at the Joseph Institute of Ethics Educational Manager of Save the Children Radio and TV collaborator for Mega TV Puerto Rico and Mega TV Miami.

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