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MemphisTennessee (TN)United StatesCertified Sexologist
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Your Inner Yogi

100 Peabody Pl set 150 #3361

United States
Tennessee (TN)
Certified Sexologist
Tantra Certified Sexologist
Certification Image 1
Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Organizational Leadership and Behavioral Science
University of Memphis
Certified Authentic Tantra Practitioner
Institute of Authentic Tantra Education
NOC code 3232
Yoga Alliance
In 2005, I launched LPC (Libby’s Pleasure Chest), my first business venture. It was all about offering intimate products, hosting parties and workshops- creating a warm space to encourage women to embrace their sexuality. This journey extended into practicing yoga, encompassing tantra-embodiment and the profound philosophy of kindness, compassion, honesty, presence, vulnerability, and communion. It’s important to note that self-love and acceptance didn’t happen overnight, but with unwavering determination, consistent training, and ongoing practice, they have been steadily and deeply flourishing.

When I was introduced to yoga in 2007, I came to the belief that everyone can benefit from the powers of yoga on and off their mats. In 2012, I studied yoga at the University of Memphis under Pat Fielder and became a certified yoga teacher, studying under Amy Morse in 2015. Upon graduating, I opened Your Inner Yogi in Downtown Memphis, the first black-owned Yoga Studio in the city, to build community and be a resource for anyone interested in discovering the art of yoga. Since then, I’ve studied Kemetic Yoga with Master Teacher Yirser Ra Hotep, Ashtanga Vinyasa with the world-renowned Gregg Tebb, Yoga Nidra with Dr. Nick Atlas, and earned additional certificates in Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Therapy, and Energy Work. Through my exploration of trauma, sex education, and Tantra, I’ve achieved recognition as an Authentic Tantra© Practitioner, Practitioner of Natural Healing, and ABS Certified Sexologist.

The foundation of my expertise, is rooted in Organizational Leadership and Behavioral Sciences, it naturally led me to a field focused on enhancing the mental health and personal well-being of those I’ve had the privilege to work with. My passion for this work has spurred me to continually seek new avenues for making a positive impact on the quality of life of others.

Yogi, professional, wife, and mother of three, I’ve come to understand the wisdom of “less is more” and have keenly observed the societal conditioning and pressures that often drive us to not be authentic and overextend ourselves. In my view, holistic well-being, the healing process, and meaningful connections are not just within reach but also attainable and sustainable for everyone.

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