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AustinTexas (TX)United StatesCertified Sexology Educator
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United States
Texas (TX)
Certified Sexology Educator
Board Certified Diplomate
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Human Sexuality
Dr. Susan Kaye is Founder of the institute for Integrative Mind-Body Therapies, offering information regarding practitioners and trainings which bring verbal (neck up) and somatic arts practitioners (neck down) including trained surrogate partners together. Our teaching is of mind/body wellness collaboration. In our culture life is lived “neck up”. I believe that people need to also live from the "neck down" for healthy balance. My career path started with training with Masters and Johnson. It has been to help others remove years of sexual emotional pain, trauma, secrecy and ignorance, empowering them to reclaim their lost pleasure birthrights of celebrating our physical being, exquisite sensuality and blissful sexuality.

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