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HoustonTexas (TX)United StatesBoard Certified Diplomate
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United States
Texas (TX)
Board Certified Diplomate
Certified Sexologist
Certified Public Information Sexologist
Certified Sexology Device Specialist
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Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)
Internal Medicine
St Lukes - Roosevelt Hospital, NYC
Full Medical License
Texas Medical Board
I am an Internal Medicine physician with a deep interest in promoting sexuality to be a safe topic. I have owned a nine-store adult products chain and website in Houston Texas since 2017 along with my husband, who is also a physician. It was formerly called Katz Boutique, we are undergoing a re-branding at the moment into DOXXES. We have a deep belief that sexuality needs to be a normative topic and not a taboo topic or dirty topic. Sex is why all exist and it is at the essence of being a human, like many other basic needs in life - shelter, food, water, etc. Our perception of sexuality is based on so many other factors - our family of origin, peer groups, etc that I am passionate about educating individuals on what sexuality means to them, not their friends, not their family but them. Not only as a couple but as humans individually people need to be educated on what sexuality means in the first place, let alone the many layers that exist in each of us that shape our viewpoints. Our to introduce the concept of "LOVE" - Life, Origin, Values and Education. Starting with Life (Creation), leading to Origin (Ideology), Value (Conscience), and leading to Education (Literacy). We plan on centering our DOXXES brand 3 principles - Ethos (Credibility), Pathos (Emotion), and Logos (Logic). Using the stores and our website, we have an excellent patient and customer base to create sexual literacy - "SEXLIT". When one has literacy, they are empowered to make choices for themselves not only in a partnership but for themselves individually.

Views: 1226