Who goes to a Sex Therapist?

Sexual Help Needs:

The sex therapist works with a wide variety of problems related to sexuality. People seek help with such problems with arousal (impotence and frigidity), as well as problems with orgasm (either inability to climax or the inability to control ejaculation). In addition to seeking medical evaluation and treatment, many people who experience painful intercourse also seek the assistance of a sex therapist. Couples often seek help when it becomes apparent that differences exist in their sexual desires or when they sense that their sexual relationship is not growing as they would wish. The need for additional information, more effective verbal/physical communication, and for sexual enrichment lead many couples to the sex therapist’s office in their quest to enhance their intimate relationship.

The qualified sex therapist is also available to those wishing to resolve troublesome sexual inhibitions or change undesirable sexual habits. People with questions about their sexual identity or sexual preferences seek out the trained sex therapist for consultation. Parents consult the therapist about the sexual curiosity and experimentation of their children and seek insight into ways to foster the healthy development of their youngsters through effective sexual education in the home. Sex therapists also assist those experiencing sexual difficulties as a result of physical disabilities or as the consequence of illness, surgery, aging or alcohol abuse.