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Royal Palm BeachFlorida (FL)United StatesCertified Sexologist
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Hope Enlightenment LLC

11440 Okeechobee Blvd Suite 201

Royal Palm Beach
United States
Florida (FL)
Palm Beach
Certified Sexologist
Tantra Certified Sexologist
Certified Holistic Sexologist
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Tantra Practitioner L1
Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Training Institute
Tantra Practitioner L2
Ecstatic Tantra Practitioner Training Institute
Tantric Sexologist
Tantric Shamanic Somatic Healing Training
Casaundra Hope is passionate about helping individuals on their journey towards deeply connected intimate relationships. Her education in BDSM and Tantric Shamanism were not merely a subject of interest, they were the methods she used in her own healing journey. As a survivor of cult indoctrination, sexual abuse and alcoholism, she draws from both her personal experiences and years of professional training to provide a unique approach to her practice.


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