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Dr. Rachel Hott, MMT, Ph.D.

The NLP Center of New York : Rachel B. Hott, Ph.D. and Steven Leeds, LMHC
135 West 29th Street, Suite 1104,
New York, NY 10001

Phone: +1 (212) 203-5076
Email: [email protected]

Note: Daughter of the groundbreaking American Board Certified Sexologist Dr. Jacqueline Rose Hott, Ph.D.

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Dr. Rachel B. Hott, who holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology is a certified master practitioner and trainer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and co-director and co-founder of The NLP Center of New York. She is a NYS licensed clinical psychologist and holds a master degree in Dance/Movement Therapy.

She is also a hypnotherapist certified by the National Board of Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists (NBCCH). Rachel has been a course leader for American Management Association and a private consultant for executives. She has been trained by Jack Canfield to facilitate self-esteem trainings. Her specialization areas include: Performance anxiety, Sexuality, Life Transitions, Addictions and Healthy Lifestyles including weight control, sleep and exercise.

In addition to NLP, she includes Thought Field Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Self-Relations in her therapeutic repertoire. Rachel is also authorized and endorsed by NLP Comprehensive to conduct Core Transformation© workshops. Rachel has written numerous articles for Anchor Point magazine. Rachel is sought after as a presenter on NLP and Communication. Some of her recent clients have been the International Coach Federation (ICF), RogenSI, Uventures and Equinox.

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