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Los AngelesCalifornia (CA)United StatesCertified Sexologist
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825 S Hill St. Unit 2805

Los Angeles
United States
California (CA)
Los Angeles
Certified Sexologist
Certification Image 1
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Human Communication
Arizona State University
Master of Arts
Human Communication
California State University Los Angeles
Bachelor of Arts
Assumption University
Sexual Communication: Research in Action
Dr. Tara is a tenured professor of relational and sexual communication, and quantitative research at California State University Fullerton (recieved her tenure at the age of 33), an award-winning researcher, TV Sexpert on Celebs Go Dating, and the host of Luvbites by Dr. Tara Podcast that focuses on sexual wellness and sexploration. Her work has been featured in ABC News, Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health Magazine, Insider, and other media outlets. She's also on the advisory board for the MŌN app, Couply app, and Superstars app.

In 2022, Dr. Tara gave a TEDx Talk titled Become Sexually Powerful that highlights her 5,000-participant study examining predictors of sexual satisfaction, and her journey from an anxious immigrant to a confident Sexpert. Her life's goal is to normalize sex talks, and help people live a more passionate life and feel more sexually fulfilled through confidence and communication coaching. Dr. Tara is the expert in the field of sexual communication. Her textbook, Sexual Communication: Research in Action

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